
Pokémon event resembles the cartoon series in which two players, trainers Ash and Gary, chose their pokémons and battle it out in stages until a person is declared to have Fainted all Pokémon and their respective Trainer.

  • There can be only two pokemon trainers
  • Each team must have same skin, saber color which are chosen by Pokemon trainer
  • When you die your out, but if you win pokemon trainer can switch you with other pokemon.
  • If pokemon trainer dies other team scores a point
  • Saber only


Two participants are hand picked by EOs to be Pokemon trainers, they do 1 vs 1 whoever wins has a first pick. Other participants are pokemon's and are picked by Pokemon Trainers. After Pokemon trainers choose their Pokemon's they have few mins to construct a strategy. When EO says that the games begin Pokemon trainers choose their first Pokemon to do 1 vs 1 in arena (mostly done on academy_V3 map). Pokemon which wins must report his HP to his trainer and if Pokemon trainer decides he can change that Pokemon with other to fight. It goes like that until a Pokemon trainer loses all his Pokemon's and needs to fight himself if he dies the round point goes to another team. When EO says the game stops they will count the points each team acquired and will tell results who has the most points wins the event and earns title "Pokemon Master".